Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Traveling Warm and Fuzzy

These are the six members of the best CELL family from left to right: Elizabeth, Yilin, Hank, Emily, Chen and Julia. Here are my warm and fuzzies to them. 

           I have always loved the series “The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants,” a story of four best friends who find a pair of jeans in a shop that mysteriously fits each of them. They then embark on their own journeys for their first summer apart, from Mexico to Greece, knowing that this pair of pants will rotate between all of them, keeping their friendship connected. I even watched the movies after reading the series – I’m that committed. I know you are all wondering if the pants end up keeping them together, but I won’t ruin the ending, you will have to find out for yourself. I recommend the books, they are consistently better than the movies.
          Warm and fuzzies remind me a lot of the traveling pants. If you haven’t heard of a warm and fuzzy, you are reading the right blog post! I am involved in an organization at my college called Alternative School Break, which plans service trips all over the country as well as globe to engage in a social issue through community service. My freshman year I was on a team that traveled to Washington D.C. and tutored students in math and science at charter schools in low-income areas while building teamwork through participation in various sports and games for Boys & Girl’s clubs in the area. My sophomore year I was on a team that traveled to Tennessee and was a part of outdoor service work for Once Upon a Time Wilderness Adventures while immersing in Cherokee Indian culture. Both were amazing experiences, however, an aspect of the trip each team member looked forward to was the warm and fuzzies. Throughout our experience, you can write a memory of a person on the team, how they impacted you, or what you admire most about them. It is a time to show gratitude. These are written on a sticky note and placed on a wall, to be collected at the end of the trip and distributed to their owner. We then get to read them on the drive, or plane ride home, reminiscing on the laughter, smiles, moments of growth, or silly times we shared with our new friends. These warm and fuzzies travel home with us, but the words travel with us in our hearts for the rest of our lives and on to the new opportunities that await.
            My time here in Iceland fills me with gratitude and I would have to go through a lot of sticky notes in order to fill all of my thoughts. Since a common theme to CELL is sustainability, I figured that wouldn’t fit the criterion. I want to use this final blog post as a means to electronically show my appreciation. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately and gratitude certainly is an emotion you can never wear out. It is an emotion that is very fitting for where I am in life’s current journey. Here are my warm and fuzzies, my traveling pants that will keep me connected to those that have made an impact on me, those that have helped me choose the right path when I arrived in Iceland at a fork in the road, those that have brought laughter, compassion, community and love into my life.
             “Write something nice about anyone you please, write it anytime, so they will have something sweet to read.” I actually really like writing these blog posts. I started out in Iceland having a separate blog of my own but left it for a journal; I always did like the way pages in a book smell. I am grateful for these blog posts! They are a great way to sum up your experiences and to come to realizations about an adventure that you may have missed.
            The community of Sólheimar has profoundly impacted me. I remember arriving in Iceland on Tuesday morning, February 5, tired and dazed in an unfamiliar place. As we were introduced to this woman and that man, I thought I would never become a part of the community, I mean, I couldn’t even pronounce most of their names! However, over time, with a little Icelandic under our belts and many smiles from the people of Sólheimar, we began to feel more comfortable and reach out to get to know everyone even more. Interacting with the home people has definitely been extremely rewarding. They give you a warm and fuzzy every day without even trying. Each time they greet you, it is as if they are meeting you for the first time. It is so genuine and pure. I have much to learn from them, especially about gratitude. I have realized the importance of not taking your loved ones or friends for granted, for that is easy to do when you see them frequently. Furthermore, I have been taught the importance of community where each individual is treated with respect just by living here. Community is an aspect that I will continue to seek for the future. I want to write a warm and fuzzy thanking the community of Sólheimar for their open arms, teachings, and opportunity to spend an entire semester amongst them.
CELL Group with Rosy at the recycling event!
            I would have to set aside too many sticky notes for my smaller community: my instructor and peers. They have impacted me more than they know. We came to Iceland, the seven of us, not sure what was in store for this semester, but I can say it was just what I needed and more than I could ever want. The silly times, the serious times, the sad times, the happy times, I wouldn’t want to have spent them with anyone other than my CELL family. They are a group that is honest, genuine, compassionate, listens, offers feedback and is enthusiastic about learning. This program is not just any study abroad experience, where you are a college student in a foreign country, going to class from 9-4 and maybe meeting some people outside of your program. CELL is where you completely immerse yourself in your peers, the Sólheimar community, the country, learning, and then the magic happens. You realize how much you have grown, you have a different outlook on the world, you realize the importance of community, strengthen your values, make lifelong friendships and end the semester feeling like you can do anything. You want to bring back what you have learned to your own community. You learn how to live life outside of being a college student, one that is balanced and fulfilling. This is the difference. Here’s a warm and fuzzy to a special group of people who helped me choose the right path when I hit the fork in the road and some dead ends along the way.
One of my favorite moments on our South Iceland trip to Vatnajökull!
            It seems like we just arrived in Iceland yesterday, but at the same time that first night we all put our luggage in the car, slipping and sliding in the darkness seems like it occurred years ago. Maybe that is because we have all gone through so many positive changes and so much has happened in these short three months. I would not have it any other way though. As a freshman, I looked forward to studying abroad, but thought it would not be here for quite some time because it was over two years away! Now it is here, coming to an end in just five days. Despite all that the future has in store for me and where I travel, these warm and fuzzies will keep me connected to the community of Sólheimar, my peers, and myself now that I have chosen the right path. These warm and fuzzies are my gratitude, my appreciation for all that have been a part of my experience and now my life. The great thing about warm and fuzzies is that they can travel in us, just like a pair of pants travels in your suitcase. 

This is my small community, my warm and fuzzies.

                                                                                                  -Liana M. Agrios

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